| 1. | There he saw dazzling camellias expanding themselves , with flowers which were giving forth their last col - ours and perfumes , not on bushes , but on trees ; and within bamboo enclosures , cherry , plum , and apple trees , which the japanese cultivate rather for their blossoms than their fruit , and which queerly - fashioned grinning scarecrows protected from the sparrows , pigeons , ravens , and other voracious birds 在那些筑有竹篱笆围墙的果树园里,种着樱桃树李子树和苹果树。当地人种这些果树,与其说是为了卖果子倒不如说是为了卖花。果园里装置着怪模怪样的草人和不断发出尖锐响声的驱鸟机,防止那些麻雀鸽子乌鸦和其他贪食的鸟类来啄食果子。 |